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CLASS-LEADING DIRT BIKE HELMET PERFORMANCE The V1 Lux Helmet delivers elevated features, safety, and comfort to everyday dirt bike riders, making it one of the most competitive motocross helmets out there. Marrying safety, fit, and feel, it raises the bar yet again as a value helmet with a performance mindset. Designed with MIPS™ (Multi-directional Impact Protection system) technology, which is scientifically proven to reduce rotational forces on impact, and a visor designed to release in the event of a crash, the V1 gives you that peace of mind, each and every ride. The V1 puts your comfort front and center and is designed with best-in-class airflow for improved comfort and moisture management. With six specific shell and EPS sizes, it has a more true-to-size fit and feel. The V1 comes complete with a removable and washable liner and cheek pads for comfort after repeated uses.
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